Being both manufacturer and seller, we basically only sell our own brands. Brands of SAM have been known over the years to be a class of their own in terms of quality, diversity and innovation.
Top quality products
Being able to design and manufacture our own products, means that we do not need to rely on external parties or suppliers in trying to create a product line that is of A-level quality over its entire width. We know best what our customers want, which means that we design our products to meet these exact specifications. We set our own quality standards.
Fast and efficient innovation
This also allows us to innovate at an unusual fast rate, as we can process information from our customers directly into new product development. In most supply chains, product innovations are the result of supplier/seller thinking or innovations fueled by a corporate strategy pushed down a sales channel. We innovate based on what we hear from our customers. The line between consumers and our product development is so short that comments or suggestions on products can be processed fast, efficiently and almost instantly.
Lower pricing through vertical integration
Not having to deal with distributors or wholesalers, makes it possible for us to lower our prices to such a level that top quality becomes affordable. Our products are only transported in-house or in between own facilities and have no additional profit margins on them.
